11:40:00 AM


Jeez. My bad. I forget about this thing so often that it may as well just not even exist.

I've mostly just been consumed with school work. Even though I'm going to community college(not for long), the fact that I've been taking honors classes and laborious art classes seemed to have made my experience a lot more time consuming than one would think. I'm nearly done with this semester; Tuesday is my last day. I've got some final projects to finish, but the bulk of my work is done. Thank goodness.

I would like to plan a road trip to Boston. After mulling it over and talking about it a little bit with teh Steve, I decided that would be a good trip to take since I haven't been anywhere of interest since last August when I went to Estonia/Finland. If my calculations are correct, this trip to Boston has the potential to be more exciting than my trip to Finland. We'll see.

I'm contemplating whether or not to post my artworkkk. I can never get decent photos of anything; there should be a course on how to photograph your artwork properly. Jeez. Maybe I'll make a post later, I don't feel like going through everything right now and taking photos.

However, I don't really think anyone reads this, but if you have been looking forward to an entry, only to be disappointed that I haven't posted for months, I apologize. Not much has been going on though, to begin with, so you weren't missing much. :p