11:47:00 AM


I'm feeling a little sad lately that I haven't been able to take photos of the things that I've been working on! Since Christmas I've made scarves(knitted and assembled fabric), a fleece blanket with an applique, a pot holder, more electronics cozys, and a bunch of drawings and whatnot. This makes me sad. Eventually I'm going to have to wrangle up all the people who I gave that stuff to and get them to take photos of them! Hehe.

Any how; since I've been living at my dads house, my room has been a mystery. It's dimensions are about 8'x8', which is the size of a typical American household closet. =P

But recently I've added color and storage to make it more like a room, and I even have a floor to do crunches on. Who knew.
So I'm posting a picture entry today! Because everyone loves photos.


This is a photo of my room as you enter it! There's Sophie on my bed, and my large green pillow, and my dry-erase board, and my side table, and the little pink panda on my windowsill named Small Arms.


This is my messy desk space. I stood on my bed so you can see the mess clearly. There's my door to the right, it actually IS a closet door my dad bought from Home Depot. Ahaha. My dad also recently stuck that shelf up there, but now I have no clue what to put on it. I'm stumped.


Now this is getting to the real messy part where I keep my craft stuff towards the top, my jewelery/hair things/makeup/lotions in the middle, and my clothes hanging up to the left and on the bottom in those ugly baskets. I wish I could find cuter ones but I'm just broke, so they'll have to do. You can see my poor keyboard hiding behind the mounds of clothing on the wall. It's so huge, so I have no place(not even anywhere else in the house) for me to set it up and use it. =( My ceiling fan is up there too; it's super dusty and the light does not work.


Here is a better view of the mess, near my window. There's my phone, my lamp, my painting tape, my drawing pencils, and my flowery necklace that my mom bought me in Hawaii. Those red curtains were actually once sheets, but I cut them up in the middle and used the hems as rope things to tie them. Very unprofessional, I know; I plan on finishing them... SOME day. Those pink/green/purple bins up on my shelving hold my sewing notions, patterns, fabric, and the last one holds all my felt and embroidery thread and such. They're a little too small to hold everything, so they're kind of exploding.


This one's a bit dark, but I wanted to add it so you can see outside. That's my neighbors house. I wish we could get a 20 foot tall fence to keep all their noise out.



I wanted to throw these in because while I was photographing this stuff, Sophie was being really cute on my bed. Teehee.


This is a photo of my wobbly night table. I used that fabric to make a part of a scarf, and used it to cover the ugly thing. There's my hair drier, a photo of my old dog Eiffel, my lamp, a photo of my mom and I, and my alarm clock. Oh, also my phone.


This is Small Arm chillin' on the photo of my mom and I with my scarf on, with my bookend hand thing, and one of the unopened moleskin books my boyfriend got me for Christmas =) I'm using the other two.


A photo of two photos of my dad and I! I love this so much. I loved my elephant hat. It's a little red because my curtains tend to glow when the sun shines on them. Magic curtains.


It might be a little odd to say that this garbage pail is my favorite thing in my room. It was originally a pail with images of Spiderman on it, but I painted over it with acrylic paint, and stuck a cute little panda on it. This is where I keep my jewelery and my hygiene/makeup things. I hate the new Pepsi logo, by the way.


This is on my desk. I have an office-supply fetish.


Another shot of Sophie lyin' on my bed. I have a huge mirror in my room. It's the only one in the house. Lololol.


These are my rainboots, Christmas wrapping paper, and the stuffed dog I got when I had my tonsils taken out when I was 12.



This is me after waking up and taking a photo of my recent knitting. Excuse the sleepy.


Here is Sophie with my knitting. Cuuuute.

And here is my latest drawing of a bunch of squiggly lines and a colored blob thing. And the skeleton looks out of proportion because I was looking up at him, and he was wearing a poofy hat; we were assigned to draw just the negative space. The first one was drawn in my larger moleskin sketchbook, and the second one was in my 18x24" Strathmore drawing pad. It was for my drawing class.



That's it for now. When I think of something cool to post I guess I'll do it.

Also, I started a weight loss blog with my pal Jessica from the Not Cool Club. If you're looking to lose weight, you could check it out, it might provide some inspiration. XD


7:32:00 PM


I'm afraid I have some apologizing to do.

Unfortunately since I'm not a famous blogger yet or talked about on YouTube, I haven't really been checking back here as often as I'd like to.

Some stuff has happened in..... a month and a half. LOL.

Not many important things though.
I mean, I do have a new president.
And I heard through the grapevine that he speaks fluent jive, although don't hold me to it because I'm afraid I can't provide proof of that.

We've been having really cold weather here lately except for the last two days which have been absolutely gorgeous. It's been around 60 degrees(F) yesterday and today, except today the wind was so strong my car was being pushed onto the median of the highway! It was frightening but I just kept pretending that I was playing Project Gotham Racing and then at that point I felt like I needed a pair of goggles. Sometimes I get a little crazy with the driving and I make zooming noises as I weave in between cars when I'm late for school or something else. I get all crouched over the steering wheel to, leaning with the turns and moving my neck. It's a little frightening.

I also sing when I drive- but I know everyone does that. What I have noticed though is most people stop singing when they're stopped next to other cars at a red light.

I don't; I can't decipher whether or not this is admirable or really silly.

Anyhow, this week has been weird. I was in so much pain from a bladder infection on Sunday that I had to scoot to the hospital and get an IV of morphine. I haven't been to the hospital since I got my tonsils out in 5th grade. I miss those guys.

Oh, I also started going to community college. Not the best when you're trying to show people up as to where you're attending school, but the classes are informative and all's I really needed was a place to do my artwork in. Trouble is, I'm only taking two art classes. And one of them I've only been in once, because I was out this Monday due to my illness.

I'm a little scared about that class, because we have no school this Monday either. So that's 3 weeks of me not doing anything for this class, and it's 5 hours long that meets once a week. My professor is not answering his e-mails, so it looks like the next day I have class(Tuesday) I'm going to have to go to his building and try to find him. Hopefully during my three hour break I can catch him while he's in his office and ask him what I should do. I have proper hospitalization documents so that shouldn't be a problem. Blah blah blah. This is exciting.

Not much else to talk about today except the wind, really. Shit's banging on my windows and there aren't really any trees near my window at all. Which would suggest that the wind is picking up debris and flying it into our house. I'm going to have to inspect the damages in the morning.

Speaking of, a lady who has the same name as me mentioned that her Psychotherapists office is looking for a secretary/receptionist. Somehow I wish I would have stuck with wanting to study psychology, this is a pretty good opportunity to have a great looking resume.

Anyhow, tomorrow morning I've got an informal interview with this lady at a coffee shop that's halfway from my house to hers. I'm hoping that I don't have to tell her that I need to get going by 2:30, because I don't want to have to explain to her that I have my OWN psychotherapist to see on Friday's at 3:00pm. LOLOL.

It feels weird telling people that I have to attend a doctors appointment every Friday at three. I wonder if it sounds suspicious, I wonder if it makes them think I have some rare condition. Maybe I do.

It's just nice talking to my therapist. She's very helpful when it comes to talking about eating habits because she happens to specialize in weight control and eating awareness. It's great. I'm learning a lot.

Anywho, there's my life, pretty much.

Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. I wanted to make happy Friday the 13th cards for all my friends, but then I realized that I don't really have any friends. HAHAHA.

Oh, life.

You can tell me about yours if you want. Or if you have plans for this Friday. Or if you are excited about President's Day this Monday.

I'd also like to wish Mr. Charles Darwin a very pleasant 200th birthday!